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TIAA-CREF 8500 Andrew Carnegie Boulevard

e4, inc. provided existing building services for the TIAA-CREF New York and Charlotte Campus Headquarters. Both locations were seeking LEED for Existing Buildings Operation & Maintenance (EB: O&M) Ratings and LEED for Commercial Interior Ratings for ongoing renovations.  e4 worked with TIAA-CREF to develop, implement and document building operation procedures that reduced energy consumption and improved the sustainability of ongoing operations. TIAA-CREF expanded e4’s initial scope to include achieving LEED EB ratings for every building on the Charlotte campus except its data center.                       

8500 Andrew Carnegie Boulevard is the centerpiece of TIAA-CREF’s Southern Service Center located in Charlotte,North Carolina.  Comprised of five office buildings and one data center, the campus setting presented unique challenges to LEED EB: O&M certification.  e4, inc. worked with ownership to develop required operational policies and plans and implement them on a campus wide basis while also focusing on improved operations within the headquarters building.  As a result of these efforts, the building achieved LEED Gold certification.